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Spiritual Growth Ideas 2024

Matthew 22: 36-40  “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”  Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (bolding mine, NIV) 

As the New Year is unfolding we want to provide you with some resources, practices, and suggestions to help you in your spiritual growth. Of course, when we talk about spiritual growth, we are talking about growing in our love of God and neighbor. I hope one or two of these resources might nourish your soul or increase your faith! :)

  1. Bible Project: Our mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. Watch a video, take a class, or download their “Reading Scripture” app: https://bibleproject.com/ 

  2. Bible Reading Plans: Choose a reading plan and get ready for the incredible journey of reading through the Bible, one day at a time! There are chronological plans, thematic plans, OT/NT plans https://www.biblegateway.com/reading-plans/

  3. Spiritual Disciplines:  Read through Richard Foster’s A Celebration of Discipline and choose a different discipline to practice each week. 

  4. Pray as You Go: Pray As You Go is a daily journey and encounter with God. Each day they offer a short contemplative prayer session and an invitation to go deeper with other prayer tools, series, retreats and resources: https://pray-as-you-go.org/

  5. Jesus Walk Bible Studies: For those who are wanting to go deeper in your study, these are a collection of free bible studies by professor Ralph T. Wilson: https://www.jesuswalk.com/ 

  6. Forgiveness through the Genesis Process: The Genesis process is used to help people in recovery and forgiveness is one important step in the process. This worksheet helps you process through false beliefs, wounds that you have suffered, and points for reflection and prayer. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f7201fd93480a4e87a007cc/t/5fd0206a125f6a657a41f875/1607475307076/Genesis+Forgiveness+Worksheet+%2B+Article.pdf 

  7. Strengthen the Soul of your Leadership: For Christian leaders who want to “create space for four weeks to listen to what your soul wants to say to God and what God wants to say to your soul.” https://transformingcenter.org/leadership-journey/   

  8. Other Bible Reading Plans: https://www.navigators.org/resource/bible-reading-plans/ or https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/ 

  9. Lectio 365:  Inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries: follow daily Bible readings, thoughts and prayers that follow a simple P.R.A.Y rhythm. https://www.24-7prayer.com/resource/lectio-365/ 

  10. The Chosen  is the first multi-season show about Jesus’s life, taking you deeper into gospel stories by retelling and expounding on the character and intentions of Jesus and those who knew Him. It’s awesome and incredibly well done: https://watch.angelstudios.com/  Season 4 is coming out February 1st in theaters! 


Encounter Winter/Spring 2024 | Values of the Citizens of the Kingdom of God

When: Sundays

Time: 11:45am-12:45pm

Location: Upper Room

We talked in the Fall about how to pursue God’s kingdom and righteousness first. In the Spring we will be looking at the values that the citizens of the kingdom of God hold and value. In regards to the most vulnerable, to money, to young adults, to politics, to healthy relationships, to friendship how are we to act and live as citizens of God’s kingdom above all else? 

Winter/Spring 2024 Encounter Schedule

Women's Ministry

Women’s breakfasts, lunches, desserts and events including our spring retreat are to foster fellowship, encourage faith, and provide spaces for outreach. Continue to follow our News and Events page and email newsletter for times and dates, or contact Nikki Ramage (nikki@fmcsb.org) for more information! 

Men's Ministry

Our yearly retreat for men is held in the Fall and is a great time for fellowship and growing closer to God. Throughout the year, we hold different events for men to come together, study the Bible, enjoy each other’s company, and share the gifts God has given us all. Be on the lookout for different events on our News & Events page on our website.

For questions about our Men’s Ministry, contact Pastor Doug (doug@fmcsb.org or ext. 224).

Bible Reading Plans

God's Word is a perfect avenue to explore the ways God has worked in history and the ways He promises to be active in our own lives. Here are a few guides for reading through parts or all of the Bible.