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Encounter Spring 2025 | Mental Health and the Church
When: Sundays Starting January 26th
Time: 11:45am-12:45pm
Location: Upper Room
For Encounter this Spring we will be diving into topics related to mental health and the Church. YALL (Young Adult Leadership Lab) is co-sponsoring this series as the team has seen the impact the church can have on the way people of all ages experience the highs and lows of their mental health. How are we to live in a world when our minds betray or trick us, when what we perceive is not reality, when we struggle with depression, anxiety, OCD, or bi-polar disorder or those close to us do? How does God meet us in the midst of our darkness? How are we to care for those we love when they struggle with things we can’t always see or understand? How can the church help? Come join us as we seek to learn from practitioners, theologians, and scholars, and grow together as we seek God’s flourishing for our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.
Spring 2025 Encounter Schedule
Women's Ministry
Women’s breakfasts, lunches, desserts and events including our spring retreat are to foster fellowship, encourage faith, and provide spaces for outreach. Continue to follow our News and Events page and email newsletter for times and dates, or contact Nikki Ramage (nikki@fmcsb.org) for more information!
Men's Ministry
Our yearly retreat for men is held in the Fall and is a great time for fellowship and growing closer to God. Throughout the year, we hold different events for men to come together, study the Bible, enjoy each other’s company, and share the gifts God has given us all. Be on the lookout for different events on our News & Events page on our website.
For questions about our Men’s Ministry, contact Pastor Doug (doug@fmcsb.org or ext. 224).
Bible Reading Plans
God's Word is a perfect avenue to explore the ways God has worked in history and the ways He promises to be active in our own lives. Here are a few guides for reading through parts or all of the Bible.