

Our team of leaders has compiled a list of resources and links to topics of interest on this page that we hope you will find helpful. All of them are from reputable clinicians, which are also trusted sources. We hope this will help you find good information on the topics you want to know more about. As pastors, we are available to sit down with you. When possible, we can also make referrals to trusted and known counselors in our community. 

See the growing list of resources HERE

Ethnic Justice Resources

As we continue to navigate this time of racial tension and divide in our nation, we want to provide you with resources that might help you become better equipped to face this issue head-on. As a church, we believe in the freedom of all people regardless of ethnicity, to worship together. Yet, we often fall short of this and need the Lord’s guidance as we seek to be more like Him everyday. We encourage you to use the resources provided to learn, grow, understand, and become better prepared to stand up for the hurting in our world.

See the full list of resources HERE

- Free Methodist Pastoral Staff and the Ethnic Justice Team