Our Vision

The vision for Free Methodist Missions is to reach the world for Christ with passion for one and compassion for all.

The goals are: 
1) Evangelize, plant churches and make disciples for Christ
 2) Train leaders who will evangelize, plant churches and make disciples for Christ
3) Develop indigenous, self-supporting, self-sufficient, missionary-sending churches
4) Give priority to funding ministries that are on the “growing edge” 
5) Link together Free Methodist World Missions, field personnel and national leaders through a global communications network
6) Address educational, physical and spiritual needs of hurting people through compassion ministries

Annually, our church sets a goal for supporting the work of World Missions. Every Sunday, we pray for specific ministries. Throughout the year we offer special emphases highlighting our mission fields. On Thanksgiving Sunday, we welcome a missionary or missions project in all of our services. We as a local church support missionaries in Africa, India, Asia, Madagascar, and Latin America.

We also offer opportunities for people of the congregation to sponsor children throughout the world. International Child Care Ministries of the Free Methodist church supports these children with education, clothes, food and medical care. (Phone: 1-800-342-5531 or www.childcareministries.org)

For more information on Free Methodist World Missions, visit fmwm.org or contact Pastor Doug Ranck, 965-1338 x224 or doug@fmcsb.org.

Our Global Missionaries

Wayne and Vicki Galler- India

Wayne and Vicki Galler are longtime members of our church who serve with “A Touch of Love” Foundation in India and partner with the Free Methodist church. With the goal of developing sustainable village development, “A Touch of Love” is committed to working with local leaders, employing local workers, and supporting the local economy in their work. 
While the foundation has projects around the world, their work in South India includes an orphanage originally started after the 2004 tsunami and partnering with the Free Methodist Church. The home provides food, medical care, and clothes. Their teachers and tutors give children the education they need to succeed. Since its beginning, the home has seen children go on to become college graduates and to work in engineering, nursing, and business. www.atouchoflove.org

Dennis, Kyle, Elias, Selah, Cyrus, and Lucas Leon- Costa Rica

Kyle Leon grew up in our church in Santa Barbara. She married Dennis, a Costa Rica native, and the two have committed to church planting in his home country. Pura Vida Church, which encompasses their initiatives, has a mission to “plant biblical and culturally relevant churches in the coastal communities of Costa Rica and beyond.” They aim to communicate the Gospel message in “simple, practical and tangible” ways, and do so through preaching, worship services, sustainable gardens, counseling, job training, medical assistance, tutoring, and more. puravidachurch.com

Read their recent feature in The New York Times

Paul Olver - Impact Latin America

Paul serves as president and board chair for Impact Latin America (ILA), a new non-profit organization mobilizing resources to equip Latin American leaders to multiply disciples, leaders and churches. The intent is to support the work the Latin America Area is doing in Community Church Planting and Pastoral Formation and to expand it throughout the continent. Paul’s wife Delia Nüesch-Olver, officially retired from FMWM, serves as ILA’s Ambassador at Large. 

If you missed Paul’s video update for our church you can watch it HERE.

Learn More


Jamie, Alissa, Isabella, Eliana, and Gavin Shattenberg- Madagascar

Alissa Shattenberg is a missionary who grew up in Santa Barbara and in our church. We’ve been overjoyed to watch her journey as she met and married Jamie, who was born and raised in Madagascar, and as their family grew to include Isabella, Eliana, and Gavin. 

The Shattenbergs describe their call as “a response to God’s leading in our lives to see Madagascar restored inhealth,forests, andhope in Christ.” Through the Accelerated Restoration Collaborative, forests are being restored, and sustainable jobs are offered. Through the Sarobidy Maternity Center, they are providing safety and training for mothers and children. In addition, they have been nurturing missionary kids at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. Read their latest Newsletter


Jake, Breean, Sophie, and Calum Elliott- Glasgow

Jake Elliott grew up at FMC, where he eventually came on staff and was ordained. He and his wife, Breean, became deeply connected with a previously established mission of evangelism and discipleship to people of muslim-background from Iran, seeking asylum in Scotland. As of 2025, Jake was invited to be lead pastor of the Upper Room Church there, which provides this ministry. The Elliotts feel their call is to make disciples and train up other church leaders among this community. With the enormous movement of the Holy Spirit throughout the middle east calling people to follow Christ at great cost, we as a church are thrilled to support this mission that empowers people of muslim-background to be witnesses for Jesus both to their homeland and in Europe. Learn More

Keith, Julie, Josiah, Caleb, and Hannah- Asia

Keith and Julie are our cross-cultural workers in Asia. They serve in a creative access country, equipping leaders and caring for God’s people there since 1995.  Please contact the office to get their newsletters


Immanuel University (India)


Set Free Movement


Accelerated Restoration Collaborative (ARC)


Support Application

Support and Deployment Process for FMCSB Missionaries and Projects

Throughout the scriptures, we are invited to be a people who tell the story of Christ's love through our words, our attitudes, and our actions. We are called to do this in our own homes, our communities, our country, and around the world.

Perhaps you are considering a more intentional or formal opportunity. Is God inviting you to consider a mission in the United States or around the world? Check out the process below!

Application process

  1. Complete the application (above) including the sending agency, purpose, dates, budget, and expected funding sources. Short term and long term opportunity proposals are welcome.

  2. Contact Pastor Doug (doug@fmcsb.org) and set up an interview to discuss the application.

  3. Meet with the Mission Leadership team to further discuss the application.

  4. If the application is approved, the Leadership team will establish the level of funding in the context of other missionaries and projects presently being supported through the generous giving of the congregation. The team will work out an appropriate funding timetable with the candidate/project.

  5. The Following will be considered in the approval process:
    a. Priority given to missionaries who are members of our church family.
    b. The person being sent by a reputable and accountable sending organization.
    c. The financial proposal includes a wide and sustainable net of financial support.

For more information, contact Pastor Doug, doug@fmcsb.org or 805-965-1338 x224.