We believe that living our lives in Christ and being strengthened in the faith are best done while walking alongside one another. We have various small group offerings to help with that. Check them out below!
Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Contact Pastor Nikki at nikki@fmcsb.org with any questions.
Bible/Book Study
WHAT IS IT?: A Bible/book study is a group that is focused on studying a book of the Bible or an important Christian theme or idea. A Bible/book study might require you to read or take notes before meeting together. Taking part in a Bible study allows you the chance to grow closer to God and study His Word with others.
HOW MANY PEOPLE?: 8-15 people, depending on the study.
TIME FRAME?: Most Bible/book studies run from September to December or January to May, while others are year-round.
WHAT HAPPENS?: You discuss the assigned reading, wrestle with questions that come up, and grow in knowledge and understanding of your faith. You also have time to pray with, celebrate with, struggle with, and live life with your other group members.
HOW DO I SIGN UP?: Times, leader contact info, and study descriptions can be found below. If you are interested in joining a group please contact the leader. If you have any questions about what group might be a good fit please contact Pastor Nikki (nikki@fmcsb.org; or text 949-241-7851)
Click a Small Group to learn more:
Small Groups for the New Year
Connecting Families Group
Sundays, after the 10:15am service
Meeting in Downstairs preschool area at FMCSB
Contact: Sandy Patterson (sandy@fmcsb.org)
We love our FM kids and families! Each Sunday, after the 10:15am service, families gather at the red picnic tables for some pizza and a great time of just being together while the kids play on the playground. Come down and get connected!
Sunday Supper Club for Families (With School-Aged Children)
Monthly, Second Sundays, 4-7 pm
Location - Sandy and Don Patterson's House, 3973 Maricopa Dr, SB 93110
Leader: Sandy Patterson (sandy@fmcsb.org) 949-733-3667
Supper Club is a chance for parents to gather once a month to share life together. The children are cared for by babysitters while we open the word and pray together. This year we will be discussing the sermon passage (feel free to come even if you missed church). We end our time together with a potluck spaghetti dinner. All are welcome!
Peace Prayers: Prayers for Peace and Justice
Third Monday of the month
Ongoing, 6:30-7:30pm
Monday, January 20th — in the library at 6:30pm. We are encouraging folks to join us especially in light of MLK day, Inauguration Day, and the pending ceasefire in Gaza.
February — no peace prayers gathering as it is a holiday
March — TBD. We will see what the interest is like for peace prayers and what our capacity is at that point, and update you with the schedule for the rest of spring.
Meeting in Library
Leaders: Kate Overton (kaoverton@westmont.edu) and Hannah Webster Brown (hwebster@westmont.edu)
Inspired by the faith and faithfulness of our sisters and brothers around the world who are praying in the face of oppression—we invite members of the Free Methodist community and beyond to join in monthly prayer for those caught up in systemic oppression, injustice, conflict and violence: for victims and perpetrators alike, and for those working to bring healing.
Our service is simple and brief, based loosely on the widely-used evening liturgical prayer service, and including elements from faith communities around the world. Within the structure of song, scripture, corporate prayer, and silence, there is also space for spontaneity and individual expression. It can be easy to feel like faithful prayer has no evident impact on ending violence or redressing injustice. But we pray in hope nevertheless, confident that God is at work in the world, including within and through those of us gathered. God’s kingdom has broken out in the world, and its consummation will come.
Men's Morning Bible Study
Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45 am
Meeting in the Upper Room
Leader: Mark Bates (3.14guy@gmail.com) 805-259-8458
This group is designed for men who want to study the Word of God, talk about their perspectives, and learn from others. There is no homework required, so feel free to jump right in! We will be continuing our study of the Gospel of Luke.
Loving Our Enemies
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm
Restarting January 21st
Meeting at Pastor Nikki’s House
Leaders: Pastor Nikki Ramage (nikki@fmcsb.org) 949-241-7851 and Nathan Snyder (530 -261-0734)
Jesus’ call for us to love our enemies can be surprising, shocking, and sometimes offensive to modern ears. And yet it is a call that Christians have wrestled with generation after generation, with both faithful and disappointing responses. In our contemporary social and political context how do we love our enemies? How do we respond to our enemies with love instead of hate? Some questions we would like to explore include: Who are our enemies? Do I ever view myself as an enemy? What role do oppression, power, and forgiveness play? What is the role of non-violent resistance with our enemies? How did Jesus model enemy love? What does my call to enemy love look like in my family, community, politics, and service? Would love to have you join! :)
Men's Bible Study
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15pm
Restarting January 7th
Meeting in the Upper Room
Leaders: Phil Guenthart 805-705-2819 and Bret Foster 805-637-2477
The goal for our group is for each one of us to draw closer to God and have a better relationship with Him, as we study God's Word together. This is an open Bible study and men are welcome to join us at any time. We are currently studying the Book of Acts where Luke, the author of the Book of Acts, gives detailed descriptions of some of the challenges experienced during the birth of the Church. We are seeing that the Holy Spirit is indispensable in the life of the believers, adherence to Scripture is essential, and brotherly love manifests when the gospel flourishes. Please join us in this life changing study in the Word of God!
Women Rooted in the Lord: A Study of Ephesians
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15pm
Restarting January 14th
Meeting in the FMCSB Library
Leaders: Bonnie DeSimone (taxdrs@yahoo.com) 805 252-3988; Kathryn Reichwald (klreichwald@icloud.com); and Emma Mitchell (ermitchell810@gmail.com)
Ladies, join us as we study how to be rooted and grounded in love. We will discover together what Ephesians says about: who we are in Christ, how we are to live out our faith, and how we can build each other up through the trials that will inevitably come. This group includes women of all ages and backgrounds. A workbook on Ephesians will be provided. Our goal is to grow closer to Christ and to each other. We would love to include you on our journey as we continue our study of Ephesians.
Conversations With God
Wednesdays, 12:00pm-12:45pm
Restarting January 15th
Meeting in the FMCSB Sanctuary
Leader: Pastor Colleen Hurley-Bates (colleen@fmcsb.org) 805-259-8461
Join us on your lunch break to spend time in prayer. During this contemplative time we will be exploring different ways and means of having a conversation with God. We will be going through Mary Kate Morse’s A Guidebook to Prayer: 24 Ways to Walk with God. Join us on the journey of finding new and revisiting old ways of connecting with our Savior through prayer.
The Chosen: Season 4
Starting Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30pm.
January 29 (6:00pm); February 19; March 26; April 23
Meeting in Upper Room
Contact: Bonnie DeSimone taxdrs@yahoo.com or Hap DeSimone guzzihap@gmail.com
We are getting closer to Jerusalem, to what we know is coming. Season 4 is the midpoint of The Chosen journey. It will be painful, and it will be joyous. The season brings us closer to the cross but with the insight and humor for which The Chosen is known.
Friday Men's Group
Friday mornings, 7:15 am - 8:15 am
Restarting January 10th
Meeting at Elliot home, 16 S Canada St.
Leader: Pastor Jake (jake@fmcsb.org) 805-722-0249
Geared toward men ages 20-50 (roughly). We work on memorizing a psalm together, discuss a small portion of scripture, and pray for one another over coffee. We meet outside, so bring a jacket.
Grow Groups
WHAT IS IT?: A Grow Group is smaller and more intentionally focused on growth in your relationship with God and your understanding of the Christian faith. We’ve identified three possible options depending on the stage of your journey:
1) New Believer: people who have just come to the faith
2) Firm Foundation: more seasoned believers wanting to build a Firm Foundation
3) Spiritual Life: mature believers desiring to go deeper in their Spiritual Life.
HOW MANY PEOPLE?: 2-5 people, depending on the track you choose.
TIME FRAME?: New Believer (12 weeks); Firm Foundation (6-12 months); Spiritual Life (3-6 months)
WHAT HAPPENS? : You will meet on a weekly basis with your group to discuss the resources you have been studying and the practices you have been engaging in throughout the week. Your group provides encouragement and accountability as you take intentional steps to mature in your faith.
HOW DO I SIGN UP?: Grow groups will be starting up at the end of September (they will start up on an as needed basis throughout the year as well). Email Pastor Nikki at nikki@fmcsb.org or call (949) 241-7851.