We believe that living our lives in Christ and being strengthened in the faith are best done while walking alongside one another. We have various small group offerings to help with that. Check them out below!

 Colossians 2:6-7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Contact Pastor Nikki at nikki@fmcsb.org with any questions.

Bible/Book Study

WHAT IS IT?: A Bible/book study is a group that is focused on studying a book of the Bible or an important Christian theme or idea. A Bible/book study might require you to read or take notes before meeting together. Taking part in a Bible study allows you the chance to grow closer to God and study His Word with others. 

HOW MANY PEOPLE?: 8-15 people, depending on the study. 

TIME FRAME?: Most Bible/book studies run from September to December or January to May, while others are year-round. 

WHAT HAPPENS?: You discuss the assigned reading, wrestle with questions that come up, and grow in knowledge and understanding of your faith. You also have time to pray with, celebrate with, struggle with, and live life with your other group members. 

HOW DO I SIGN UP?: Times, leader contact info, and study descriptions can be found below. If you are interested in joining a group please contact the leader. If you have any questions about what group might be a good fit please contact Pastor Nikki (nikki@fmcsb.org; or text 949-241-7851)

Click a Summer Small Group to learn more:

Small Groups Taking a Break & Past Groups

Summer Small Groups

Connecting Families Group


Sundays, after the 10:15am service


Meeting in Downstairs preschool area at FMCSB

Contact: Sandy Patterson (sandy@fmcsb.org)

We love our FM kids and families! Each Sunday, after the 10:15am service, families gather at the red picnic tables for some pizza and a great time of just being together while the kids play on the playground. Come down and get connected!

Men's Morning Bible Study


Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45 am


Meeting in the Upper Room

Leader: Mark Bates (3.14guy@gmail.com) 805-259-8458

This group is designed for men who want to study the Word of God, talk about their perspectives, and learn from others. There is no homework required, so feel free to jump right in! We will be continuing our study of the Gospel of John.

Let's Celebrate! The Spiritual Discipline of Celebration


Tuesdays, 6:30 pm

Starting June 18

Meeting at Pastor Nikki’s House and various locations in SB

Leader: Pastor Nikki Ramage (nikki@fmcsb.org) 

Saint Augustine said, “The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot.” We don’t always take seriously our call to rejoice in the Lord! Did you know that “celebration” is one of the classic spiritual disciplines? Join us this summer as we spend time practicing the discipline of celebration together through: tasting and seeing the Lord is good, dancing, creating art, writing psalms of praise, reveling in the beauty of creation, playing together, etc. We will be celebrating joyfully and creatively in the community of the saints. We hope you join us!  

Wednesday Morning Prayer


Wednesdays, 7:30am


Meeting in Sanctuary

Start your morning in prayer! The Pastors continue to meet every Wednesday morning for prayer, and you are welcome to join.

Wednesday Night Open Bible Study


Wednesdays, 7:00 pm

Ongoing, Restarting First Week of August

Meeting in the FMCSB Library

Leader: Mark Bates (3.14guy@gmail.com) 805-259-8458

All are invited to come, open the Bible, and discuss the many truths God has for us. Feel free to join anytime and invite a friend! In the New Year we will be starting a study on Genesis. 

Peace Prayers: Prayers for Peace and Justice


First Thursdays, 1x per month

Ongoing, 6:30-7:30pm

Meeting in Upper Room

Leaders: Kate Overton (kaoverton@westmont.edu) and Hannah Webster Brown (hwebster@westmont.edu)

Inspired by the faith and faithfulness of our sisters and brothers around the world who are praying in the face of oppression—we invite members of the Free Methodist community and beyond to join in monthly prayer for those caught up in systemic oppression, injustice, conflict and violence: for victims and perpetrators alike, and for those working to bring healing.

Our service is simple and brief, based loosely on the widely-used evening liturgical prayer service, and including elements from faith communities around the world. Within the structure of song, scripture, corporate prayer, and silence, there is also space for spontaneity and individual expression. It can be easy to feel like faithful prayer has no evident impact on ending violence or redressing injustice. But we pray in hope nevertheless, confident that God is at work in the world, including within and through those of us gathered. God’s kingdom has broken out in the world, and its consummation will come.

Young Men's Bible Study: Parsing Paul


Friday mornings, 7:15 am - 8:15 am


Meeting at Elliot home, 16 S Canada St.

Leader: Pastor Jake (jake@fmcsb.org) 805-722-0249

Geared toward men ages 20-40 (roughly). This summer we will be "Parsing Paul," focusing on the textual details of various selections of Paul's letters to the early churches. This is also a time to encourage and pray for one another. We meet outside, so bring a jacket. Coffee provided! 

Small Groups Taking a Break

Sunday Supper Club for Families (With School-Aged Children)


Location - Sandy and Don Patterson's House, 1044 Westmont Rd, SB, 93108

Leader: Sandy Patterson (sandy@fmcsb.org) 949-733-3667

Come join us for a time of Bible-based discussion, prayer and connection with other parents while our children go to our neighborhood playground (with church-provided supervision). The kids will come back to rejoin us at the house, and we will all eat a spaghetti potluck dinner together. Hope you can join us! Contact Sandy Patterson to join the evite list: sandy@fmcsb.org, 949-733-3667

Santa Barbara Prayer Walks


Meeting locations through April:  UCSB, downtown/City Hall, San Marcos HS, and the Mission area

Time 3:00pm (meeting time averages 45 minutes to an hour)

Leader: Christa Jones, 805-452-6379; cjsb4@outlook.com

​​If you desire to pray for our city, then join us once a month to pray for the people who live and/or work in a particular area of Santa Barbara/Goleta.  To begin our time together, we’ll pray a prayer from one of the saints or a historic figure, then we'll take turns praying as we walk around the area. 

Men's Bible Study



Meeting in the Upper Room

Leaders: Phil Guenthart 805-705-2819 and Bret Foster 805-637-2477

We are continuing our study of the book of Hebrews. The goal for our group is for each one of us to draw closer to God and have a better relationship with Him, as we study His Word together. This is an open Bible study and men are welcome to join us at any time. The problem the Jewish Christian faced in the book of Hebrews is whether to go on to maturity in Christ or to drift back into the apparent safety of Judaism and avoid persecution. The author argues convincingly for the superiority of Christ and for the salvation provided through Christ under the New Covenant as the fulfillment of all that was promised and sought under the Old Covenant. He calls for them to press on and follow Christ alone. Let’s seek to press on and follow Christ alone together.

Women Rooted in the Lord: A Study of Acts



Meeting in the FMCSB Library

Leaders: Bonnie DeSimone (taxdrs@yahoo.com) 805 252-3988; Kathryn Reichwald (klreichwald@icloud.com); and Hannah Denney (hannahdenney473@gmail.com)

How did the truth about Jesus go from a small group of Jews in Jerusalem to all types of people all over the world?  Join us while we study how the Holy Spirit worked through Jesus’ followers to rapidly spread the message of salvation to the heart of the Roman Empire.  Along the way, we will learn how we, as women of the 21st century, can be part of this life-changing message. Our group includes women of all ages and backgrounds and we would love to include you on our journey.

Past Small Groups

Faith and Doubt


Doubt is part of the life of faith, not something to be feared, dismissed, or condemned. Join us as we read together “After Doubt: How to Question your Faith without Losing It” by A.J. Swoboda. We will learn how to approach deconstruction while engaging spiritual disciplines that will help reconstruct faith which might have been considered lost. While this book was written with young adults in mind, all who are in the process of deconstructing or reconstructing their faith are welcome. This group is a continuation of our Fall small group, Friendship in the Kingdom of God.

Women's Bible Study



Join us as we study the Acts of the Apostles. We spend the first hour delving into study and conversation and the last half hour in prayer with and for one another. We would love for you to join.

Toxic Discipleship



This group will be continuing Pastor Denny's trilogy about how we best grow in Christ. Very different from the first book on the ecosystem, yet just as vital to our lives, is Toxic Discipleship.  This book delves into the seven deadly sins which are poisonous for our souls. We will explore the way our human dispositions and ways we rebel against God get manifested in our relationships and growth. This book helps us to see our shortcomings while helping us understand how to live in submission to the Holy Spirit. Our scheduled meetings are: January 17th (NOTE: this is a Wednesday) February 1, February 8, February 15, February 22, February 29.

Grow Groups

WHAT IS IT?: A Grow Group is  smaller and more intentionally focused on growth in your relationship with God and your understanding of the Christian faith. We’ve identified three possible options depending on the stage of your journey: 

1) New Believer: people who have just come to the faith 

2) Firm Foundation: more seasoned believers wanting to build a Firm Foundation

3) Spiritual Life: mature believers desiring to go deeper in their Spiritual Life. 

HOW MANY PEOPLE?: 2-5 people, depending on the track you choose. 

TIME FRAME?: New Believer (12 weeks); Firm Foundation (6-12 months); Spiritual Life (3-6 months)

WHAT HAPPENS? : You will meet on a weekly basis with your group to discuss the resources you have been studying and the practices you have been engaging in throughout the week. Your group provides encouragement and accountability as you take intentional steps to mature in your faith.  

HOW DO I SIGN UP?: Grow groups will be starting up at the end of September (they will start up on an as needed basis throughout the year as well). Email Pastor Nikki at nikki@fmcsb.org or call (949) 241-7851.

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