Worship here is a blend of Music, Study, and Prayer
“Home Church”: Sundays at 8:30am we will go live on YouTube for a live-stream of our worship service in the sanctuary. Watch it live, or anytime after.
Worship in the Sanctuary: Every Sunday at 8:30 and 10:15am
Connect Throughout the Week:
Afternoon Prayer: We invite you join Pastor Colleen on Wednesday afternoons at 12pm in the Sanctuary for “Conversations with God.” We pray for the needs of our church, the nation, and the world.
Weekly Newsletter: On Thursdays at 1:00pm we put out our weekly newsletter via email, and on our “News and Events” page on our website. Included in the Newsletter is a message from Pastor Colleen (or whoever is preaching that week), upcoming events or announcements, and community resources. You can sign up to receive our newsletter by clicking on the orange button at the bottom of this page.
Come dressed in whatever’s comfortable for you. You’ll see people in everything from shorts and flip flops to suits.
Children and Youth:
FM kids (K-5th grade) gathers downstairs each Sunday during the 10:15am service for singing, a lesson, and a craft. After the service there is a Connecting Families Group that gathers each week for a meal and time together. Email Sandy Patterson if you have any questions.
Our youth (6th-12th grade) will start in the 10:15 a.m. sanctuary worship service and stay through the pastoral prayer and then meet with Pastor Doug and the youth leaders for a time of Bible study in the upper room. Email Pastor Doug if you have any questions.
Blended Worship:
We practice blended worship. We are blended in ages (from infants to seniors), and we are blended in church backgrounds (we are full of people from all denominational backgrounds: Vineyard to Lutheran, Protestant to Catholic), and we are blended with a variety of ethnic groups and economic diversity. Our worship reflects who we are, a diverse yet unified family of God.
What does blended mean for us? It means incorporating both traditional and contemporary worship styles in our music selection. We see great value in retaining the rich hymns of the faith that have been passed down through many generations and equally great value in new music and lyrics that are cutting edge in the global worshiping Church. While some services will be heavily contemporary and others will be heavily traditional, most will have a combination of styles. Our range of musical styles used in worship includes rock, folk, traditional hymnody, contemporary settings of hymns, and meditative instrumental music. Being a blended church also means that our worship team is diverse in age, gender, and ethnicity.
Blending, for us, also means we will have many liturgical practices represented throughout the year. We follow the liturgical calendar, celebrating Advent, Christmastide, Epiphany, Lent, Holy week, Eastertide, and Pentecost. These practices connect us to the larger, global Church and to Christian worship throughout the ages. We invite you to connect with God through our musical and liturgical worship regardless of your background.