Food for the Kitchenless
to Dec 31

Food for the Kitchenless

Tom Spadoro, a lay leader in our church has identified a need for non-perishable, single-serving, food items for the kitchenless and folks without homes in our community. The Food for the Kitchenless Project has now assembled 51,000 bags of food since April 2020! Donations continue to be needed for these nonperishable, single serving items. There is a box in the foyer to receive donations. A list of the specific items needed can be obtained at Connection Central. Volunteers assemble the bags of food on Monday evenings at 5:00 PM. All are welcome to participate. Talk to Tom Spadoro for more details.

The most food insecure people in our communities are the houseless that don’t have cooking, storage or refrigeration capabilities. The kitchenless need food and beverage items they are able to carry on their person (backpack), in a cart or a vehicle. Nonperishable food items, food that can go unspoiled for several days, in “one serving” sizes are needed to meet this critical need. Canned food should be small in size and have pull-top lids. Protein items are priority. No glass containers.

Items Needed
Bumble Bee, Snack On The Run, Tuna or Chicken Kits (or similar brand)
Protein bars
Granola bars
Cereal bars
Energy bars
Trail mix bars or pouches
Individually wrapped peanut butter or cheese crackers
Applesauce or fruit in squeeze pouches
Fruit snack pouches
Individually wrapped snack size packs of crackers
Individually wrapped snack sized packs of cookies

For those that want to contribute food items directly, we have found the most cost-effective places to purchase the Tuna Salad Kits are at Dollar Tree and all the other items at Costco. Monetary donations to the projects can be made at the church by including the term “Food for Kitchenless” on your check memo line. Checks can also be sent to Genuine Concern For Others Inc at PO Box 41223, SB, CA 93140 and a receipt will be mailed to the donor for tax usage.


* Please note that this is an ongoing ministry for our church, dates above represent the range of time that we will be promoting this.

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Thursday Night Service
to Apr 24

Thursday Night Service

Since 2016, we have been thinking and praying about this next step. Basically, we wanted to offer an alternative time for those individuals and families whose Sundays are sometimes taken with travel, work, sports, surfing, sleeping. . . as well as those who live out of town, who want to invite friends to something different, who might be more apt to come on a weeknight, and those who might like a different rhythm of their week. This fits with the mission of our church and it will allow us some different kinds of opportunities for outreach, including time on a Sunday morning. Here are some details:

The time will be 6:30pm in the sanctuary
Children will be welcome
It will be the same sermon, with the same pastor preaching, as the Sunday service later that week.
The music will be the same, although it may be more simple.
No one is expected to go to both. . . 

We are excited for this time, in the middle of our week, to honor and worship the Lord! If you have questions, please reach out to one of the pastors. 

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Encounter Spring 2025
to Apr 27

Encounter Spring 2025

  • Google Calendar ICS

ENCOUNTER Spring 2025
Sundays, 11:45am, Upper Room

March 16th
Sandy Patterson

”Mental Health and Families”


For Encounter this Spring we will be diving into topics related to mental health and the Church. YALL (Young Adult Leadership Lab) is co-sponsoring this series as the team has seen the impact the church can have on the way people of all ages experience the highs and lows of their mental health. How are we to live in a world when our minds betray or trick us, when what we perceive is not reality, when we struggle with depression, anxiety, OCD, or bi-polar disorder or those close to us do? How does God meet us in the midst of our darkness? How are we to care for those we love when they struggle with things we can’t always see or understand? How can the church help? Come join us as we seek to learn from practitioners, theologians, and scholars, and grow together as we seek God’s flourishing for our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.  

See the schedule at 

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Special Service: March 16th
8:30 AM08:30

Special Service: March 16th

We are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Kenny and Pastor Estelle Martin to our church on Sunday, March 16th. Bishop Kenny will be preaching and anointing the Elliott family as they prepare for their move to do ministry in Scotland. Following each service, there will be a reception out on the deck.

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CDCC Fundraiser at Brass Bear
5:00 PM17:00

CDCC Fundraiser at Brass Bear

Brass Bear Uptown has given us the opportunity to raise money for Cliff Drive Care Center Children’s Programs and Senior Lunch! Go get dinner on Thursday, April 3rd, between 5:00-8:00pm at their uptown location (3302 McCaw Ave). Say you are with Cliff Drive and 10% of your order will go back to us! Spread the news and we hope to see you there!

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Women's Retreat 2025
to Apr 5

Women's Retreat 2025

FMCSB Women’s Retreat
April 4-5, 2025
Friday- 6:30-8:30pm @ FMCSB
Saturday- 9:00am-4:00pm @ El Montecito Church, 1455 E Valley Rd, Montecito, CA 93108 (carpool if possible)

“Come to Me” 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”    Matthew 11:28-30  28 

Many of us are feeling tired and weary right now. Some of us are carrying heavy burdens and others of us are feeling distant from the life Jesus had called us to, as well as disconnected from other people. Are you feeling tired or weary in any way?  Do you long for space to connect with the one who promises to provide rest for our souls? In the journey of life, we need days and moments where we slow down to allow ourselves to breathe and rest in the presence of God.

Our Women’s Retreat this year is designed for us to come to Jesus, wherever we might be on our current journey. Some of us are coming with joy and others of us are coming with unspeakable burdens, yet Jesus’ call to all of us is the same.  Jesus invites us to Himself, asking us to take His yoke and to learn from Him. It is in His presence we will find rest for our souls. 

Our main speaker will be Felicia Song, who is curating a day for us, along with our pastors.  Felicia was an integral part of our congregation for many years where she played on the worship band. A former sociology professor, most recently at Westmont College, she is focusing now on her speaking and writing,  studying the place of digital technologies in contemporary life. We are so looking forward to her thoughtfulness, insight, and deep faith. 

Friday night we will be gathering for a couple of hours JUST FOR FUN. This night is optional but we would love to have you join us. We have plans to play games, potentially learn a dance or just dance, and snack to our hearts content. Think sleepover vibes and feel free to wear your pajamas. 

Saturday we will be gathering at ELMO, a beautiful church in Montecito to dive into learning, creating space for connection with Jesus, laying down our burdens,  and connecting with other women in a beautiful setting. This year, we are inviting people to have lunch out with friends or bring a lunch to enjoy outside. The cost for retreat is $60 (Early Bird Registration), $25 for College Students and Young Adults. Early bird registration ends on 3/16 then the price will go up to $65.


We can’t wait!

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Baptism Sunday
1:00 PM13:00

Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday is happening on Sunday, June 15th! In our service you will share why you are choosing to be baptized, then, after the 10:15am service we will head down to the east end of Leadbetter Beach by the catamarans to gather for an ocean baptism. All are welcome to come and celebrate with us, either from the beach, or in the water. If you are interested in being baptized, reach out to one of our Pastors, or email One of them will meet with you before this day.

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Family Supper Club
4:00 PM16:00

Family Supper Club

Supper Club is a chance for parents to gather once a month to share life together. The children are cared for by babysitters while we open the Word and pray together. This year we will be discussing the sermon passage (feel free to come even if you missed church). We end our time together with a potluck spaghetti dinner. All are welcome!

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YALL: Young Adult Hangout
1:30 PM13:30

YALL: Young Adult Hangout

Calling all Young Adults to celebrate the season of light starting! Join us after Encounter at Shoreline Park on March 9th at 1:30pm for hanging out, playing Spikeball and eating burritos from Super Cucas! Don’t miss out—bring your friends and your appetite! We will be gathering on the playground side of the park. 

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Ash Wednesday 2025
6:30 PM18:30

Ash Wednesday 2025


Lent this year begins on Wednesday, March 5th. In the church calendar year, Lent is the 40 day period, excluding Sundays, leading up to Easter. It is a time of contemplation, lament, and earnestly seeking God as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the joyous Resurrection of Jesus. Lent is meant for Christians to deeply consider why Jesus died on a cross. It is a good time to consider letting go of those things which have a hold on our hearts and to fast from them. Lent is often considered a journey where we deepen our walk with Jesus, our Savior whose sacrifice makes us whole. 

To begin the Lenten season, we will be offering prayer in the sanctuary all day long on Ash Wednesday. Starting at 6:00am, you are invited to come and spend time with Jesus on this day set aside for reflection. We are always invited to come to the Lord in prayer, believing God will meet us. As this is the first day of Lent, this may be a day where you are beginning a fast as well. Fasting from our regular patterns of eating or an ingrained activity helps us be more reliant on God. Fasting is not required, but it is a helpful spiritual discipline which mirrors how Jesus fasted in the desert before beginning ministry. Fasting invites the Holy Spirit to meet us in new ways as we give up something that is important to us, and then invite God to fill that space with His presence.  

This day of prayer will be in the sanctuary on March 5th starting at 6:00am. You are invited to come anytime and pray or you can set aside an hour to do so at home. Pastors will be available to pray with you during the day. We will provide scripture prompts and writing materials, in case you want to write down your prayers. We will then end with worship in the sanctuary at 6:30pm, at the Ash Wednesday Service. This is a beautiful worship service of scripture and music that will prepare us for the sacred season of Lent. This service highlights themes of humility, repentance, and mortality, and we will spread ashes on your forehead, a long-standing tradition of the church.

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All Church Meeting
10:00 AM10:00

All Church Meeting

We invite everyone to come to our annual All Church Meeting. This is a time to gather as a family of God to share a meal together, hear a report from each Pastor’s ministry area, and elect delegates who represent our church to the Free Methodist California Annual Conference for the next year. We will also hear an update on the strategic plan. All are welcome to attend, and if you are a member, you will be voting.

With rain in the forecast, we have decided that we will have worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 and 10:15am instead of outside. Then we will enjoy a delicious barbecue lunch together! (think tri tip, chicken, beans, etc.)

Childcare will be provided, but children are welcome at the All Church Meeting if preferred. Email to sign up.

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FM Youth: Take a Hike
10:00 AM10:00

FM Youth: Take a Hike


Saturday, March 1

Who: Jr. high/6th and high school
What: Hike the wind caves trail in Gaviota
When: 10am -2pm Where: Meet at the church, pick up at the church
Why: Exercise, get to know people, be in the outdoors
How Much: Free for the hike, money for the lunch

Who else: Join our fun leaders

Sign up today OR by Wednesday, February 26 to reserve your place. Space may be limited. Sponsored by Free Methodist Youth For more information call Doug Ranck, 965-1338 x224, email, text 252-3216

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Elliotts to Scotland: Fundraiser Concert
6:30 PM18:30

Elliotts to Scotland: Fundraiser Concert

All are invited to a backyard concert at the Bates' to hear original music by Pastor Jake, James Asselin (worship pastor of Santa Barbara Community Church) and Summer Kearin (local high-schooler from Providence and Veronica Springs Church). Jake and Breean will use songs to share stories and a deeper look into their upcoming mission to Scotland. There will be an opportunity to sign up for supporting their mission through FMC, though the concert is free. Feel free to invite anyone who might be interested in the music or the mission!

Location: 1269 Mountain View Road

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Transition House
5:00 PM17:00

Transition House

Are you interested in volunteering in your community?

It’s almost time to help serve at Transition House! We are currently looking for some volunteers to help prepare the dinner meal. You can also help by donating funds or food items to help make this dinner happen. Reach out to Pastor Nikki,, for more information about how you can get involved in this important ministry.

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Parent's Night Out
5:30 PM17:30

Parent's Night Out

Got kids 2 years old or older? Do you need some time away? Parent’s Night Out is here to help! We are offering free childcare (+ $5/child for pizza) on Friday, February 7th, from 5:30-8:00pm here at the church. Please sign up through THIS FORM by February 3rd to reserve your spot.

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SB Mission Conference 2025
8:00 AM08:00

SB Mission Conference 2025

The 2025 Santa Barbara Mission Conference will be held February 1, 2025 at the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara (21 E. Constance Ave, Santa Barbara).

Register now for “Engage,” the 23rd annual Santa Barbara Mission Conference. On Feb 1st, Keynote speaker Tim Soerens will help us deiscover the church right where we are.

His message will be supported by a panel of local practitioners who have been pursuing justice and Jesus for the long haul. They will share spiritual and communal practices that have sustained them, while bringing hope and healing to our community.

Afternoon breakout sessions will help us see the presence of God’s church in the midst of addiction, homelessness, isolation, and trafficking. Where might God be inviting you to discover the church, God’s people, at work in the world? Let’s journey together!


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Membership Classes 2025
to Feb 9

Membership Classes 2025

If you are interested in becoming a member of FMCSB or learning more about our theology, we welcome you to our annual Membership Class. Taught by Pastor Helen and Pastor Colleen, we will be going through church history as we talk through the origins and distinctives of Free Methodism. This is a great way to learn about our local church, what we believe, meet new people, and connect with our staff. While membership is not necessary for truly belonging, becoming a member is a tangible way of committing to the work God is doing through our local congregation.

If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to know more about the history of the Christian church and where FM fits in, we welcome you to join us.

We will have three classes; January 26th and February 2nd at 4:00pm. DINNER IS PROVIDED! And February 9th from 12:00-3:00pm with lunch provided! Please contact Pastor Colleen if you would like more information. If you need childcare, email

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FM YOUTH: Taco Time
5:45 PM17:45

FM YOUTH: Taco Time

FM YOUTH presents the seventh annual “TACO TIME”

One taco at a time, one restaurant at a time, South Milpas to North Milpas For all 6th -12th graders Friday, January 10 5:45-7:45pm, $25 (or less, depending on your appetite)

Meet in the parking lot of Rosales Mexican Restaurant 827 E Montecito
Pick up at Taqueria El Buen Gusto, 836 N. Milpas SIGN UP by January 8

For more information contact Doug Ranck, Free Methodist Church, 1435 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, California 93109, 805-252-3216 or


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Christmas Eve Services
to Dec 25

Christmas Eve Services

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Join us for a candlelight Christmas Eve service on December 24th. We will have services at 4:30, 6:00, and 11:00pm in the sanctuary (the 4:30pm service will be livestreamed).

On the holiest of nights, we welcome the Christ child into our hearts and our homes. All are invited into the sanctuary as we worship the Savior together on Christmas Eve.

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Phileo Choir
to Dec 15

Phileo Choir

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Calling all singers! Pastor Jake is building up the Phileo Choir to perform during Advent. More details are to come, but if you are interested in being a part of the choir, reach out to Pastor Jake, 

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Women's Christmas Party
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Christmas Party

Calling all women for our annual Christmas party! This event is always filled with laughter, singing, great food, fun, games and reflection on the coming of our Savior. Invite a friend or neighbor as we would love to expand and open our circles wider this Christmas season. Joy to the world, the Lord has come! That is what we hope to embody when we gather together for a great party on December 10th.

For the party please bring:

Your favorite Christmas Mug

An appetizer or dessert to share

An item for Food for the Kitchenless! This would be a nonperishable sing-serving food items that can be eaten without using a kitchen or kitchen appliances. Items such as:

Bumble Bee, Snack On The Run, Tuna or Chicken Kits (or similar brand)
Protein bars
Granola bars
Cereal bars
Energy bars
Trail mix bars or pouches
Individually wrapped peanut butter or cheese crackers
Applesauce or fruit in squeeze pouches
Fruit snack pouches
Individually wrapped snack size packs of crackers
Individually wrapped snack sized packs of cookies

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Scotland Ministry Update
3:00 PM15:00

Scotland Ministry Update

Scotland Ministry Update with the Elliotts
Sunday, December 8th, 3:00pm, The Kass’ Home

Come hear more about the vision of Jake and Breean’s mission to Glasgow, Scotland next spring. They are having a gathering to share details and answer questions about the mission and our support needs this Sunday, December 8 at 3:00pm at the Kass home on 724 Mission Canyon Rd. Parking is limited so carpooling is encouraged. 

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All Church Caroling
5:30 PM17:30

All Church Caroling

ALL CHURCH CAROLING- the YALL team wanted to usher in the Christmas cheer and have a time for the whole church to go caroling across the street at Villa Santa Fe (low income senior housing). We’d love you to join us and feel free to invite a friend! We will start with caroling at 5:30pm and then gather in the Upper Room at 6:30pm for some hot cocoa and treats.

More details:

Meet in Upper Room no later than 5:30pm so you can get your lyric sheet and then be with the group before they head over at 5:45pm. Come back around 6:30pm or so for some hot chocolate and treats. Contact Mary Woodyard ( <> or Kaylie Grant <> if you have any questions.

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Advent Devotional Booklets
to Dec 25

Advent Devotional Booklets

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We encourage you to grab an Advent devotional starting this week. Advent is a time of preparation and expectation for the coming of our Lord. This particular devotional is focused on Advent through the eyes of worship and wonder. This devotional guides you along a journey through times of renewal, trial, revelation, and ultimately to a time of wonder at the great gift that we have at Christmas. Don't forget to grab one!

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Giving Tree 2024
to Dec 16

Giving Tree 2024

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This year FMCSB has chosen two worthwhile local programs for our 2024 Christmas Giving Tree. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and Hope Counseling Center.

CASA of Santa Barbara County serves children who have experienced abuse and/or neglect so severe they had to be removed from their homes for their own safety. The children may be placed in a foster home, with a relative, or with their biological family under the court’s supervision. Throughout the year, CASA volunteers offer consistency and individualized advocacy to ensure children are safe.

At Christmas time CASA social workers gather specific wishes for every child in the protective care of the court - over 600 local children. They pass that list onto wish granters (like you!) to fulfill. This year we want to focus on the often-neglected population of teenagers in foster care. You can help a child feel special this holiday season when they open up a gift meant just for them. CASA asks donors to use gift bags and label the gift with Giving Tree Tag for easy sorting.

Hope Counseling Center is a non-profit organization staffed by professionally trained and licensed therapists in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy and Clinical Psychology. Often the high cost of therapy sessions ($150 and upwards) can prevent people from securing the mental health support they desperately need. To this end, they have created the Fund for Therapy program. In this program, clients typically pay $50 per session (for up to 10 sessions) but can work with individual therapists to find solutions

if this reduced fee is not sustainable. This program was created to provide reduced cost therapy sessions to those in need while still being able to pay Hope therapists a livable wage. Providing reduced fees to clients is a team effort with the client, donors, and therapist all contributing to make these services affordable.

We will have gift tags on our Giving Tree labeled in increments of $25, $50 and $75 dollars to donate towards the Fund for Therapy. All funds raised go directly to provide mental health services at a reduced cost. Donations to Hope Counseling Center are tax deductible. You may put your donation in the offering (with “Hope” written on the memo line), drop it at the church office with your Giving Tree Tag, or give online or through our app, choosing Other Special Projects for the Fund and putting “Hope Counseling Center” in the memo. If you would like to give an alternate amount, that is also permissible.

Please prayerfully consider how you might help bring hope and joy to people in need this Christmas.

“Above all, keep loving one another.”
1 Peter 4:8

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Service of Gratitude + Thanksgiving Lunch
10:30 AM10:30

Service of Gratitude + Thanksgiving Lunch

Join us on November 24th for a Service of Gratitude at 10:30am in the sanctuary. In this service we will worship, reflect on the things we are grateful for, and rejoice in God's faithfulness together. Immediately following the service we will share a Thanksgiving meal together prepared by Chef Michele and her team.

To contribute to the meal, we ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to share with everyone (please include serving utensils). Drop it off in the kitchen foyer before the service.

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Church Directory Photos
to Nov 24

Church Directory Photos

Brad and Dawn Elliott will be taking directory photos for us on November 17th and November 24th. Stop by to the photo area under the deck between services and after the 10:15am service on the 17th and after the service under the tent on the 24th as you are waiting to get your Thanksgiving meal. This is a great way to connect with one another as we can put faces to names for our directory.

They will be printing 4x6 copies of the photos for you free of charge, and if you would like a digital image, you can purchase it for $15 per image.

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Missions Marketplace
8:00 AM08:00

Missions Marketplace


On November 17th, from 8:00am - 12:00pm in the Upper Room, MISSIONS MARKETPLACE will be offering you the opportunity to find gifts for the Christmas season, and beyond, while supporting and partnering with some great global ministries. 

There will be products from Heavenly Treasures (East Africa, etc), "Turn the Page Uganda,"  Touch of Love (India), and Sarobidy Creations/ Sarobidy Birth Center (Madagascar).

Come and shop with a purpose!

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College Hangout at Shoreline Park
12:15 PM12:15

College Hangout at Shoreline Park

College Hangout at Shoreline Park
Sunday, November 10, 12:15pm
Shoreline Park by Upper Parking Lot

We invite all college students, faculty, and staff to lunch at Shoreline Park after the second service on Sunday, November 10. Come enjoy some food and lawn games at the beautiful park just below our church campus. 

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Breaking Bread Together: Dinners Connecting Across Generations
6:30 PM18:30

Breaking Bread Together: Dinners Connecting Across Generations

Breaking Bread Together is an event to help you fellowship with others around some delicious food. This is a great way for you to meet new people or get to know familiar faces a little better. Our goal is also to foster connections across generations, so we will intentionally be pairing up hosts of different ages/stages to host the dinners.  Our hope is for different generations to come together in fellowship and friendship! :) 

Who: You and (about) 7-9 other church goers (of various ages and stages) will be placed in a group. 
When: Dinners will be held on the evening of Wednesday, November 6th at 6:30pm 
Where: Dinners will be hosted at various homes in Santa Barbara. The week before the dinner, you will be contacted by your host letting you know where you will be eating and what dish you will need to bring (You should hear from your host no later than Saturday night November 2nd) 
What (to bring): The host will let you know but don't worry, no one person will be responsible for everything.
Why: Life is so much better with food, friends, and fellowship! And afterall, table fellowship was a very important part of Jesus’ ministry. :)

Save your spot at the table by filling out
THIS FORM by the morning of October 31st.

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Fall Family Festival 2024
11:30 AM11:30

Fall Family Festival 2024

Our annual Fall Family Festival is happening Saturday, October 26th, from 11:30am-2:30pm! Our parking lot will be transformed into a “fun zone” with bounce houses, games for all ages, a cotton candy machine, prizes, Trunk or Treat, and more! Lunch is also available for purchase during this event. This is a free event for the community, so all are welcome to attend. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors, and dress up in something fun (no scary or violent costumes, please).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Can you help us put on this party for our community? Volunteers serve food, set up and decorate, spend an hour running games for the toddlers/preschoolers or elementary school children, monitor the bounce houses, set up their cars for Trunk-or-Treat, and help tear down/clean up. Can you share an hour of your time for the children of our community?

VOlunteer HERE

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Day of Prayer and Fasting
6:00 AM06:00

Day of Prayer and Fasting

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” 

Philippians 4:6-7

In my prayer time this week, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to have a day of prayer and fasting in our sanctuary. This is a time of great sadness for people, and each day we are talking to those who are struggling and suffering in very real and painful ways. This is a time of great anxiety for many, who are overwhelmed by the conflicts around the world and the state of politics in our nation. This is a time people have turned away from God, and are lost and alone. This is a time of crisis in various aspects of our society, which means a sad reality for a lot of people. This is a time when the Church is being pressed in on many sides and is needing to discern how to truly follow Jesus together. 

A few weeks ago, we had a time of prayer in the sanctuary on Sunday morning, where the Lord met us in powerful and life-giving ways. We wanted to extend another time for you to come and pray, and we wanted to invite you to fast with us. The Bible teaches us to seek God in times of worry and distress. Jesus taught us to humbly come in prayer, expecting God to answer. We are told to fast and pray before the Lord, in order to have our senses more attuned to God’s voice. Fasting from food is a response before God in a time of grief or to prepare ourselves for a sacred moment. We give up our regular eating patterns in order to present ourselves before God free from our reliance on anything but Him, which we are hoping you will join us in. 

This day of prayer will be in the sanctuary on October 24th, from 6:00am-6:00pm. You are invited to come anytime and pray or you can set aside an hour to do so at home. There will be various times during the day where pastors will be available to pray with you at the altar as well, which we will post. We will provide scripture prompts and writing materials, in case you want to write down your prayers. We will then end with worship in the sanctuary at 6:30pm, at the Thursday evening service, where Pastor Helen will be preaching on the Transfiguration, a moment when heaven and earth came together in a miraculous way.  

What an amazing thing that we have a God who invites us to seek and to knock and to ask. We have a God who invites us to join Him in interceding for the needs around us. We take this invitation seriously and hope you will join us for the day of fasting and praying. 

  ~Pastor Colleen, for the entire pastoral staff

(if you are physically not able to fast from food, we recommend you to let go of a daily aspect of your life that you rely upon, in order to be fully present to God’s Spirit.)

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College Soup Night
5:30 PM17:30

College Soup Night

Monday, September 23
16 S. Canada St

Drop by Pastor Jake and Breean's house for a hearty bowl of soup, and get to know other students and faculty that are part of the church. We know students are busy, so come and go anytime between 5:30 and 7:30pm.

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