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Transition House Dinner

  • Transition House 425 East Cota Street Santa Barbara, CA, 93101 United States (map)

Tuesday, November 28th is our next opportunity to serve dinner and make lunch for the residents of Transition House. We could use assistance with the following items:

For lunches:
- 6 loaves of sandwich bread
- 3 pounds of sliced turkey or ham
- 3 pounds of sliced cheese
- fresh fruit that can easily be put in a bag lunch
- carrots or celery sticks
- cookie
- granola bar or other snacks
- bottled water

For Dinner:
- salad makings for a hearty green salad
- garlic bread for about 60 persons
- dessert for 60

We could also use 3-4 volunteers to help make lunches on the 28th, and 2-3 volunteers to help with salad prep and serving.  We will be making the bagged lunches starting at 5:30 and then will begin serving about 6:15.  We are usually done about 7:00 PM.

Monetary donations are also welcome and can be designated “for Transition House” on an envelope for cash or on your check in the offering.

Contact Joe & Pat Wheatley if you would like to contribute: (805) 963-5065 or


Since 1984, Transition House has developed a successful strategy for capable and motivated families to permanently regain self-sufficiency. The strategy is based on the understanding that the root cause of family homelessness is poverty. There may be other contributing factors, but underlying it all is poverty.
Transition House offers emergency shelter, transitional housing, and long-term affordable rental housing as well as a full continuum of anti-poverty services. The goal is to provide a realistic and lasting solution to poverty-based family homelessness.

Each year Transition House helps more than 700 community members – 350 of who use their three-stage housing program and services; the balance receives support through their homelessness prevention program. At least 90% of Transition House’s clients are our neighbors – they come from the greater Santa Barbara area.

At Free Methodist Church, we are honored to provide dinner and sack lunches for the residents of Transition House, 6 times each year. We are happy to accept specific food donations for the meals and cash donations.

For more information contact:
Sheryl Kelly

Earlier Event: November 19
Church Thanksgiving Dinner
Later Event: December 2
FMCSB Christmas Lights