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Young Adult First Friday

  • Upper Fellowship Room 1435 Cliff Drive Santa Barbara, CA, 93109 United States (map)

This upcoming Friday, October 5th for YAFF, we will be visiting the "tabernacle" together. "Tabernacle?!?!" you may ask...

Basically, over the past couple of months several churches have come together to build a replica of the Old Testament "tabernacle." It is being coined as the Tabernacle Experience and is presently located on the grounds of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Goleta.

The reports I have heard back are that it is a powerful experience, and can make many of the Old Testament images we have read about come alive. If nothing else, it will at least be an interesting experience, even just to observe how the creators of this particular tabernacle replica understand Christ's relation to the Old Testament. Tons of room for interesting discussion on that topic ;)

We are going to meet at 6pm in the FMCSB parking lot and then carpool over for our tour at 6:30pm. They are asking you to bring your own headphones for the video recordings during the tour. :)

Please let Pastor Nikki ( know by Friday morning if you are interested in coming so she knows how many spots to reserve.

Afterwards, the plan is to grab dinner at Chick-fil-a for anyone who wants to join.

Would love to have you come!

Earlier Event: September 30
Encounter: Christianity and American Politics
Later Event: October 7
Lunch with LLIV