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All Church Meeting & Lunch

When our daughter was little, and we needed to talk about something important together or check in during the day, one of us would call, “Family Meeting!” I don’t know when this became a thing, but whenever one of us says this now, the other two of us come from whatever we are doing.  We form a huddle, taking turns putting our hands on top of one another’s hands, until we are all in.  Then we throw our hands in the air and sit down to discuss the matter at hand.  

Each year, we call a family meeting at this church.  We do this because it is good to check in and celebrate what has been happening.  We are required to elect delegates, who will represent us at our annual meeting in Southern California with our sister churches.  We share a meal together, catching up with those we may not always see.  And, we talk about where we discern Christ is leading us into the future.  We end with a prayer of thanks, asking God to continue to guide us as we seek to do His will.  

Sometimes when a family meeting is called in my home, I don’t want to go.  I am busy or tired or not that interested.  Yet, when I get there, it is always good.  And, I am reminded why checking in, if only for a little while, helps me hear and be heard in this family God has put me in.  It is the same in the body of Christ.  We come together as His people who are invested in the Kingdom work He has given us to do.  While there may be many things we could be doing on a Sunday afternoon, I hope you will consider joining your church family for a few hours so you can hear what is happening and also add your wisdom to where we are going in the future.  May the Lord bless our meeting together!  

Earlier Event: March 15
Parents' Night Out
Later Event: March 24
ENCOUNTER with Morris Hutchins