Volunteer in the school-age program at Cliff Drive Care Center! As a volunteer you will help students one-on-one and make sure they have what they need so that they can be connected with their own classrooms and working on their class assignments. Some of the help is with technology; some with organization, finding the right worksheet packet etc; some is reading instructions as the youngest ones can't yet read; some is reviewing desk work.
The classroom has twelve students so you will help those who ask for help, and also monitor that each student is engaged with their work. Because the students are in different schools, grades and classes they aren't all on the same schedule. There is a lead teacher in each group that you will be working along side.
If you would like to help, please email Mary Woodyard at volunteering@fmcsb.org!
*Please note that the dates and times for this event are fairly random, this is to allow the website to keep the “event” up indefinitely. Typically a volunteer will work in the mornings starting around 8:00am for as long as they are able.