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Ways to Help: Donate Blood!

There is a vital need for blood donations in our nation, especially in California. Giving blood is an easy way to care for others during this time, so we encourage you to do so.

Carri Svoboda, a member of our congregation, shares why she gives blood. May it be an encouragement and inspiration to us.

When I was born, I was jaundice. My body was fighting against the blood in my system. In order to survive, the doctors flushed my system three times with other people's blood. It is the only reason I survived.

So, I give blood.

I actually give platelets because I have a really good platelet count and I'm not afraid of bigger needles. But I started out by giving blood. It was such an easy way to care for others. I didn't need to raise support, get on a plane, miss any days of work, or any episodes of my favorite shows. I just needed to make an appointment, be sure to be hydrated, and show up. Easy peasey.

And, something unexpected happened. I developed relationships with the folks who work at the blood bank. I've "lived life" with these people over the years. I know about their families, their vacations, their hopes and disappointments, and I've been able to care for them as they have taken my platelets and cared for me.

Vitalant offers tons of donation times and locations all around Santa Barbara. Visit their website, to schedule and appointment and save lives.