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Road Trip to Light and Life West

Road Trip to Light and Life West

We love our Free Methodist family all throughout Southern California and so Pastor Nikki and Sandy Patterson will be taking a group down to Long Beach to attend Light and Life West for their Sunday worship service on July 31st. Some of you know that Light and Life West is led by Charles and Caroyln Latchison (Charles is one of our former Superintendents) and is a vibrant, worshipful, and loving congregation. Though Carolyn and Charles will be on Sabbatical, we look forward to worshipping alongside our FM brothers and sisters in Long Beach and bringing greetings from the Santa Barbara church. We think that continuing to maintain our relationships with other FM churches is such a gift and would love to open that up to the wider congregation to experience. RSVP by emailing Pastor Nikki by 9:00am on July 27th if you would like to join. This is what the schedule of our day will look like:

7:30am-Meet at FMCSB Parking Lot

10:00am-Join Light and Life for Church

12:00pm- Lunch in Long Beach

2:00pm-Head back to Santa Barbara

Earlier Event: July 22
Donate Baby Clothes
Later Event: August 8
Transition House Dinner