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Respond and Praise

We are super encouraged by what is happening at Asbury University! 

If you haven’t heard about what's going on...a revival started spontaneously after chapel last Wednesday (2/8) with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and is still going. One of the most common refrains coming from it, is that there is a sense of God's peace and calm pervading the space. There are no clear leaders or structure, it’s just humble people coming before the Lord. And Jesus is at the center of it all. We are so uplifted by this awakening and know some of the people who are participating in it! 

We thought it would be wonderful to respond to and celebrate what God is doing at Asbury by hosting a worship night at 7pm in our own sanctuary this Friday. Our aim is to create a space for praise, prayer, confession, and repentance, to honor how the Spirit is moving in this moment. We urge you to join us and to invite a friend--anyone is welcome. Let's hunger after, thirst for, and praise our good God. 

Here one professor's thoughtful take on what is happening in an article from Christianity Today.

- Pastor Nikki and Pastor Jake

Earlier Event: February 5
2023 Membership Class
Later Event: February 22
Lenten Devotional Booklets