Growing the "Fruit of the Spirit" is often misunderstood. Growth in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control comes from being rooted in the presence of God in all twelve of the classic experiences. These "spiritual disciplines" allow us to experience the complexity of God in a way that nourishes our growth into Christ-likeness. It is then that the Fruit flavor our use of our "Spiritual Gifts" such that we serve God with love, with joy, with patience and with all the fruit. Join us as we explore this ecosystem of discipleship growth so we can more effectively become Disciples of Jesus Christ. You can order the book we will be discussing here, or on Amazon.
Encounter is our free Adult Christian Education, offered after the morning worship services each Sunday during the fall and spring. Lunch is served at 12:15pm, class begins at 12:30pm. Anyone is welcome to attend, there is no registration. Classes take place in our Upper Fellowship Room, and are also recorded and posted on our website. Contact Pastor Nikki ( with questions.