Fall Send: A Multi-church Young Adult Gathering
A multi-church event series put on by Young Adult pastors from Oceanhills Covenant, Free Methodist, Montecito Covenant, and others. Together we will dig into what mission means in the work place. We will receive wisdom from older professionals who have followed Jesus into their work place, the first being our own Isaac Garrett, a member of FMCSB. Contact nikki@fmcsb.org with questions.
The Send: To Define a Missional Life
To challenge the dualistic narrative that "work" happens from 9 to 5 and "service" happens in the pockets of time in between. To apply the idea of being "sent" people in our different workplaces. To equip the "priesthood of all believers" with simple, pragmatic tools and techniques to foster a missional posture in all aspects of life. To "send" world-changers back out to the places where God has called them.