Speaker: Michelle Ramage on hearing God’s voice and inner healing
Worship: Soo Ji Alvarez from Riverside
Registration closes Feb. 2
Price: $30
Speaker: Michelle Ramage from Living Spring in Garden Grove:
Workshop Title: The Voice of Jesus: How to tune into the still small voice of Jesus that whispers love, light, and healing.
Session 1: Hearing God’s Voice 101 (1.5 hours) - We worship a God who is always speaking to us. Learn about different ways to tune into God's voice and practice listening to God's still small voice for yourself and others.
Session 2: Hearing God’s Voice of Healing (1.5 hours) - We worship a God who wants to heal our hearts, particularly the false images we have of God and ourselves. During this session we will invite God to cleanse and heal our imaginations and help us become who we really are in Christ.